What is trade? What is a homo thug? What is a Queen? What is the true definition of homosexuality? How can you tell if a man is gay? One might ask these questions in hope to get a true and solidified answer. Anyway, I hope yall nosey asses didn’t think I was about to answer these things. Not so you can go catch a piece of snack (see glossary) off my perception… Perception, that’s the topic!!! On the real, I believe there are so many views and biases on the lifestyle we live that there is no possible way to give a true definition to any of the questions listed above. So I’ll start by telling you all the perceptions that the straight people have of us that I don’t particularly care for.
1. Just because you a dude doesn’t mean I like you.
(Dudes kill me thinking that just because another dude gay, that they are attracted to them. That is such a fallacy.)
2. Just because I’m gay doesn’t mean that I would talk to any gay male.
(Just because we gay doesn’t mean we are attracted to everybody. Enough said!!)
3. Last but definitely not least, Gay men desire more than sex.
(Many people think just because you are gay, all you want to do is fuck. We desire companionship and romance too… We desire 2Bluvd!!!! )
Anyway, as a gay male who has always been exposed to an environment where the like wasn’t accepted, I have always had to conceal my true views and perception of the lifestyle that I have later come to know and love. For example, MY FAMILY!! As I may have stated earlier, although I’m gay, my parents don’t KNOW about me. I’m sure they have every reason to think or believe I am but the confirmation is yet to come. I’ll say this. My dad will probably disown me once he finds out. And on the other hand, my mom is probably going to have every deacon, minister, and elder in this house performing an exorcism on me if she finds out. These beliefs and feeling truly makes me feel unwanted and like a stranger in my own house. I feel as though I can’t be who I am and I have to work harder to hide him. But I’ll end by saying this, the perception that they have of gay people is cross-dressing, HIV prone, embarrassing, and undetermined human beings. However, I am none of the above. I’m just a product of GODs master plan that has been created this way for a purpose. And when it’s all said and done, I’ll be happy being me and knowing that the only thing that matters is being beautiful in the eye of the ultimate beholder…