Why don't you love me? Hell I know why, because I'm not so damn easy to be loved. You try your hardest to love me but I just won't let you in. Every time you get a little bit closer, I back away. Remember that time it was perfect. We laid up in the hotel room and over looked the city. It was great huh? Too bad I had to fuck it up the next week with me needed my me time and just staying to myself. I mean, I know you had to worry about me and my ex keeping in contact. I know don't see how you tried to love me when I was online late at night. Yeah we created the profiles to do a little promoting, but I kept mine. That was fucked up. I know it was hard to express how you feel because I could turn the cituation around on you in a hard beat. "Oh, you don't trust me do you?" So I don't have to ask you why don't you love me. I know that I'm not so damn easy to be loved. What hurts the most not is the fact that I keep asking myself "Why don't you need me". If I just would have shown you the love that you deserved, we wouldn't be able to live with out each other. You made it so damn easy for your to be loved. You made it so damn easy to be need. Maybe I'm just plain dumb.
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